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'I think aversion therapy can hurt anyone, especially gay people,” psychotherapist Johnny Li said. 'He’s told it will rebalance his nervous system.'ĭespite the law change, police closely monitor any public dissent and reporter Shaunagh Connaire is told opponents are threatened with jail. He is told it costs $800 each time and that several appointments will be required for him to be 'cured'.Įlectrodes are attached to the man's head, which goes numb as the voltage is turned up.

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'When these urges arise, you can take a cold shower or go jogging to release the excess hormones,” a psychiatrist suggested to him before offering the electric shock treatment. Activists against the Chinese shock treatment reveal they are regularly threatened with jailĪnother 'patient' went ahead with the treatment at the Huashan Hospital to secretly recorded the process.

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